I had a fabulously funny entry to share with all of you. I know this, because I remember chuckling about it on the way home this evening.

I got home, fixed dinner, got the dishwasher ready to run, and decided to sit down and read for a little bit.

Two and a half hours later, I woke up with the book still in my hands, but completely unopened ... my cell phone ringing, but no understanding of what was making the annoying ringing sound ... and absolutely no idea (other than the memory of something funny) what I was going to write to you about.

I do know that the ankle that still hasn't healed was killing me when I woke up, due in part, to the cock-eyed way it was wrapped underneath me in my papasan chair. Oh! And I have a knee that has been killing me for three days straight, and that also was in severe pain.

A sign of age?

Or a sign of too many kids during the craziest quarter in the year?


Anonymous said…
The mind is the first thing to go!!

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