So, I finally went to see the new Indiana Jones flick, and I'm glad to say that it did not disappoint.

Action ... intrigue ... Indiana Jones ... action ... the Fedora ... action ... the Whip ... action ... the Theme music .... Indiana Jones ...

From the moment I saw RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, I fell in love with Indy, his witty banter and that way cool fedora! I loved the humor Lucas and Speilberg intertwined into the movies, and I loved the outrageous adventures that Indiana went galloping off on. Sometimes, movies should just allow you to escape, and this week, I've needed an escape!

At one point in the movie, Christy leaned over and said, "Oooo, that's not very realistic."

Yep! She was right. None of it was very realistic, but as I told her as we were leaving the theatre, "That's a fantasy world I'm willing to jump into!"

Just because it's Indiana Jones, and for no other reason, I'm giving this movie an A.


Anonymous said…
Glad you finally got your Indy fix. Sam and I liked it too...for much different reasons I'm sure. I'm okay with the fantasy world he's in too.


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