I subbed in a second grade room today. Here's what I heard...

** Names were changed to protect the innocent**

Allie: "I offered Ryan at least half of my lunch."
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Ryan had an absolute meltdown lining up for lunch when he discovered his mom packed "nothing I LIKE!!!!")
Me: "Well, that was really nice of you, Allie"
Allie: "Wanna know what he said to me?"
Me: "What?"
Allie: "He said, "no thanks." And he was actually pleasant when he said it!"
Sean: "Ryan just called me a weirdo."
Ryan: "I DID NOT!!!!!"
Me: "Ryan, did you call Sean a weirdo?"
Sean: "Yes, you did!"
Ryan: "Shut up, weirdo! I didn't call you weirdo!"
Me (after Sean was returned from the principal's office for fighting during lunch recess): "Sean, what did Mr. Klein say the consequence was for the fight."
Sean: Um, well, I have to miss recess tomorrow and Friday."
Me: "What did Mr. Klein say about this afternoon's recess?"
Sean: "Oh! I can have that one."
Me: "Do you think you deserve it?"
Sean: "Well, if Mr. Klein didn't want me to have a recess today, I'm certain he would have told me."
Me: "Well, if he felt you deserved to have your recesses taken away for the next two days, I think you should sit this afternoon's out, too."
Sean: "He said it was okay."
Me: "Sean, no recess.'
Sean: "But ..."
(This exchange two more times)
Me: "Sean, I'm not going to argue with you about this."
Sean: "But only I was going to suggest what I could do while staying in."


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