I'm not a patient person. Anyone who knows me even the least little bit would tell you it's true.

"Megan? Patient? HA!!! Yeah, right ... hey! Look!
I think I just saw a cow fly by!"

By nature, I'm a drive thru window kinda girl. Drive up to the speaker, place my order with the nice voice on the other end, drive to the window, and take my order, squealing my tires as I go. Please do not ask me to wait for anything.

In literature, the critical reader is asked to look for a character's fatal flaw ... that one piece in a person's DNA that causes them to fall and fall hard. If anyone reading my life story were asked to look for my fatal flaw, well, sadly, I think they would have no problem coming up with IMPATIENCE!

I suppose this is the exact reason why God tests us using our fatal flaws. I long ago gave up the immature argument that it was for His personal entertainment. No, I've matured enough in my faith to recognize that this is a refining process ... like a refiner's fire. He's the refiner, and He's desperately trying to redefine my fatal flaw.

Stupid thing is, I'm too stubborn to let it go. And this is really the bigger question ... why can't I let it go? Possibly, because I'm a control freak. Great! Another fatal flaw. Is it possible for the main character to have more than one fatal flaw?

It's a good thing that God's in control of this whole refining process. I'm so impatient, I would have given up on me ages ago!


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