I could provide a list of reasons as to why it's been since summer break that I've written last. The excuses would all be hollow albeit creative.

The bottom line is that I've been lazy. The static of my professional life got in the way of my personal life, and I just got lazy.  Pure and simple.

To put a visual in the minds of my readers as to how out of control my laziness had gotten, my home office became a catch all of STUFF that was threatening to overthrow the delicate balance of my domestic power.

It was so bad that I couldn't really see the surface of my desk  -- there was no functional use for the desk other than to hold crap.

It was pretty pitiful.

Fast-forward to Fall Break.

After spending a week in Michigan helping my parents purge items, I came back to Frankfort with a desire to declutter. I needed a clean slate. I need to make sure my surfaces were all free of clutter.

I tackled the biggest CLUTTER ZONE. My office.

Now, lest you think I completely freed myself of the clutter, I need to be honest. My office closet, should you choose to open the door, will likely kill you if you allow the stuff inside there to fall on top of you.  There are those spots in our house like that, no?

Sharing with someone not too long ago, I said, "I think my home is a reflection of my life. I have areas that are solidly together. Other areas?  Not so much."

My closets? That is where I hide the junk I don't want any one to see. It's where it gets shoved so it is out of sight and out of mind.

Isn't that the way it is with our lives?  Well, at least, I can say that about my life.

I hide the spots that I don't want any one to see. I shove my mess in compartments to "deal with it later."  Only, I never deal with it.

I am not sure why I dread dealing with stuff.

Is it too much of a bummer?

Does it feel too much like adulting?

Does it smack too much of being responsible?

It smells too much of discipline?

Gosh!  I HATE discipline.  I mean I really, really loathe discipline. It goes against every fiber of my being.

Yes. I like to have things planned.  I like to know where I am going and when I am going to go there. But discipline?  Buckling down to accomplish a task? Timelines and deadlines? Things that must be done at certain times and places? Ick!  I do not like doing that.

So, I guess, I clutter my closets.


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