Yesterday, I turned 40!  Lest you think that has made me a blithering, bawling idiot, it hasn't.  That was last week, when I was sure my life was coming to a screeching halt due to the immense stress (and disappointment) of the week.  This week?  I am back to my "high on life" attitude, and I have a renewed sense of excitement about life.   But I digress.  The photo above is what greeted me as I hit the top of the steps leading to the second level of our school.  My teammates ... they are available to plan parties. 

Every year I run a contest for my kiddos to see if they can guess my age.  Flannel-mouth me let is slip to a couple of parents, so I actually had a bumper crop of kids (8!!) that guessed correctly this year.  My favorite comment from one girl:  "Well, Miss Murray, you look *good* for 40." 
I choose to think this was an amazing compliment and not like the one scrawled on the boys' bathroom stall last week: "Miss Murray is fat."
I am blessed by the most amazing family and friends around -- bar none!  They treated me to flowers -- may favorites, daisies!! and a WELCOME TO THE CLUB black rose -- a surprise dinner, and lots of gifts. 

I'm a little disappointed that no one thought to actually buy me this!!  And by this, I am referring to the hot man running the iron, not the iron itself.  I own one of those; it rarely gets use.  The hot man, however, .... oh never mind!

Here I am sporting my 40 Tiara!!!  I wore that thing ALL NIGHT LONG ... including on my drive home, wherein, some guy in the car next to me gave me the weirdest looks.  Oh well.  It was my birthday, and I would look ridiculous if I wanted to, which, honestly, the full-on photo makes me look ridiculous ... fat.  Oh well!  The fat part I plan to work on in earnest over this next year. 

It was a wonderful introduction into the 40s, and I can not wait to see how this decade all unfolds!


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