Weekly Accountability #3

Beginning weight (January 30, 2012): 229.2
Goal weight: 175
Goal Body fat: 22%
Current weight: 217.2
Current body fat: 31.2%
Loss to date: 12 lbs
Pounds to lose to reach goal: 42.2 lbs

No make-up and bedhead, thus the hat.  I *think* I might see the slightest difference in photos over the last three weeks.
Have I mentioned how much I HATE that plaid wallpaper?

I had a much better week this week.  Finally, I feel like I am in a groove with good eating habits.  It helps when I plan ahead and pack nutritious meals for the day. I also found that I'd turned a corner on my eating.  As you might remember, I started eating 6 to 8 mini-meals, at the suggestion of my cousin, Joel Gutierrez, who himself, is a trainer.  He said that by eating these healthy, mini meals, I am fueling my body constantly and fooling it into thinking that it needs to work on the fat rather than the muscle, which so often happens.  

It's not that I was skeptical; I think I was just more or less weary of trying something else and then trying something else and then trying something else.  I failed to remember that life is about tweaking moments until they work with our body rhythms.  And so I did, and the dude was sooooo right on the mark!  I have begun noticing the smallest differences, and by the end of the week, when I sat down to dinner, I was stuffed after eating the smallest portions.  Why is this significant?  Because, in the past, the dinner hour was where I could consume massive amounts of calories.  I was tired beyond the point of exhaustion -- I was crabby -- I was lonely -- and I think because my body hadn't been properly fueled, it was fighting back with me.  It is such a great feeling to feel satisfied at dinner and not feel like I needed to graze the rest of the evening!

I also made a valiant attempt to consume lots of water, which, if you understand the lack of time a teacher has in actually being able to run to the bathroom, then you realize what a feat this truly is.  I averaged about 54 fluid ounces which was doubled from my normal school-day consumption.  Again, I could sooooo tell a difference in the way my body felt.  AMAZING!

I have sworn off of any sort of sugar-free drink mixes like Crystal Light or Kroger Light.  They were not making me feel good, and I am pretty sure it was because of all the chemically-engineered sugar substitutes.  I still have it on hand to serve to guests (oh! That sounded so inhospitable!) because I recognize that not everyone likes just plain water with lemon and a little splash of diet tonic water.  But for me and ... well, me. No more!

My goal this week is two-fold.  I haven't done the greatest at my exercise.  So, that needs to become a priority again.  Plus, I am going to attempt to tighten my planning in the area of meals.  

Finally, a word about my body fat percentage.  I am not sure what to think with my current percentage of 31.2%.  To be perfectly honest, I would have expected this number to be much higher.  As a result, I measured every part of my body that had fat "hanging" from it.  It consistently landed on 31.2% body fat.  Granted, on my little chart, it still said I was in the "over fat" range.  Getting to 22% seems doable.  Of course, I bought The Cheapest body fat caliper known to man.  So, this might be the reason it seems low.  Oh well.  I am going with this percentage for now.  Time will tell ... 

Once again, I remain overwhelmed by the response I am getting to these posts.  Thanks so much for following me and being willing to read (and possibly be inspired) by this journey I am on!


DarkWolfAngel said…
You keep up the good work I know you can do it!

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