So, we have three days until our three-week fall break, and EVERY SINGLE one of those children are counting down the hours and minutes, I can tell you that.

They are giddy with anticipation ... three weeks without me in their faces reminding them of subjects and predicates and comparisons and contrasts and the path light travels when it enters our eyes. So giddy they are, that they have been acting like they've never, ever met a rule in their lives.

Oh yeah! Good times!

And because I seem to be overly blessed this season, I get to sit with our most giddy tomorrow at D-Hall (that would be detention, ladies and gentlemen). That is one hour that will somehow stretch itself into an eternity where, at the final seconds of said eternity, I will be begging for someone to impale me on a newly sharpened pencil just to put myself out of my misery.

Oh ... has any one noticed? It's a full moon!

Yeah ... it's going to be a great day tomorrow ... I can tell ...


Anonymous said…
LOL~ The full moon I tell ya. Mine were WAY chatty to day and during math they kept yelling "She's getting frustrated dude, be quiet." Then Jaylan said she's going to fuss at us. (Thanks to Miss Murray's letter.) ~shanny
Megan said…
You've got to be careful when your teacher starts fussing at you!

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