There are days I just want everybody to shut up. Really. Take a deep, cleansing breath and then just shut up. It's that simple.

Our world is in upheaval ... war ... famine ... pestilence ...

Pollution is causing little ole' Earth to heat up and dry up ... like the crusty old raisin I found under my driver's seat the other day.

... and yet ... AND YET ... there are those among us that allow their wadded panties to chafe because someone dared to use an adjective they didn't like to describe incidental little blips on the radar of humanity?

As if!

Sometimes this world makes me weary ...

... and we wonder why we can't solve world peace ...

I'm sorry. Does it sound like I need a vacation from all this lovely humanity? Why yes I do!

How much does it cost to buy one's own island?


Elly Gilbert said…
Hmmm...wondering whose panties were in a wad??? I could hazard a guess! Sorry you have to deal with such grouchiness. I can relate!!!!
Megan said…
Actually, we seem to best buddies these days. That was just a general rant and rave between the news I'd raed and humanity in general. A girl's got to unload every once in a while ...

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