
I took a bunch of stuff home with me last week so my dad could frame them. As an aside, my dad has a framing and matting business as well as his wildlife photography. If you need something framed or matted, look him up! He does amazing work as you will see!

This first piece is one I commissioned a former student to do for me. Jacob will be a 7th grader this year, folks. 7th grade! Can you believe how good this kid is??? He's going places, I tell you!

Here' s another view of Jacob's piece. He's just uber talented, and I am so proud to have had the privilege to teach him!

This is a reprint of an original watercolor by Natalie Gillham, a pretty popular regional artist back home. She was commissioned to paint this on the occasion of Dr. and Mrs. Vulgamore's retirement as President and First Lady of Albion College. This building, the place I knew as North Hall, was renamed Vulgamore Hall. I can't remember why I got a reprint, but I've got one. I'm enjoying looking at it as I pass by it ... lots of memories in this old building.

Finally, this is a movie poster that I had to pay for in order for the movie place allow me to take the poster. I just LOVED this movie .... it impacted me when I saw it for the first time. I'm not sure if it was the era in which the movie was made or the what, but I was deeply moved by it.

I'd forgotten I'd had it until my dad uncovered it ... apparently, it was in his pile "to frame."

I love it as an art piece in my living room. Goes with the funky feel I seem to have going.

I've had to rearrange a few things here and there to accommodate these new pieces, but I love the overall effect!


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