Clean Slates

I took a peek at my classroom today.  Word on the street was that they ripped up all my carpeting yesterday. I wanted to see it for myself!

Oh! Wait. I probably need to catch you up, no?

About two weeks ago, I (and 14 of my colleagues) was informed I would be getting tile in my classroom over Spring Break. Now, I am BEYOND excited about tile. I have had carpet in my classroom for the last ten years, and it was in questionable "health" when I moved in lo those many years ago.  I have no clue how old it was, but it held a funky smell that I, sadly, got used to smelling.

Despite my excitement over the tile, I had a FREAK OUT moment ... or two ... or way more ... because, well, I had sixteen years worth of Teacher Crap shoved in that room.  I have been in that particular room for the last ten years.  There is a lot that can be collected in ten years. Trust me on this one.  Plus, I was STILL TEACHING, and it is difficult to pack stuff and function in a classroom.

I spent my last week and a half packing, and, last Saturday, I closed my classroom door on an entirely packed up room.

So, back to today. I walked into the room, and it was completely empty.  I stood in the middle of the room and tried to envision what the tile would look like ... and a thought began to form in my mind. I mean, I have this clean slate laid before me.  I can make this room whatever I want it to be now! Put my stamp on it ... move stuff around!  Really change things up!

I have spent the better part of the afternoon and evening looking at classroom layouts and thinking about how I can place furniture to maximize space AND keep it decluttered, organized, and neat.

I LOVE clean slates!

I LOVE re-imagining!

And despite the daunting task of resetting my whole room in a week, I am SUPER excited about the prospect of doing so.  This will be an opportunity to purge with wild abandon, and since a lot of this stuff hasn't seen the light of day in YEARS, wild abandon should be the rule of thumb here.

I am looking forward to a clean slate ....  That is what this SpRiNg BrEaK will be about.  CLEAN SLATES!


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