I'm being convicted about my complaining lately. Yes, yes ... venting is a good thing. Otherwise, I'm relatively sure that my head would expand to three times its natural size and explode due to keeping in all the stuff that I'd like to vent about in a day's time.

Oh the nasty headache I'd have over that one!

But lately, I've been struck with just how ungrateful and selfish constant complaining is ... that the very act of excessive complaining is putting yourself on a pedestal, which, let's face it, none of us deserve to be.

I place myself in the center of this category because Lord knows, I do enough complaining every single day of my life. But today I was struck by the fact that my complaining about my job, day in and day out, is a selfish act in light of the masses among me that don't have jobs. Shoot! I was one of those people, and I was so stunted by the lack of a job, there were days I couldn't even get myself out of bed. Were it not for loving friends and family that would drag me along on mundane errands, I might not have gotten out of bed a lot of those days. And yet, here I am complaining about it. Self-centeredness reigns supreme!

Health ... man! The amount of times I complain over my lack of weight loss ... or swollen, painful joints, when really, I should just be thankful that I've got limbs that work ... a body that gets me through each day. A lot don't have bodies that work, but they get up and rejoice that they have a new day spread out before them.

Spouses ...
Pregnancy ...
Neighborhoods ...
Politics ....
Economics ...
Religion ...
Children ...
Bosses ...
Co-workers ...

The list is long ... the list is endless, and what I'm coming to realize is that we Americans have made a sport out of complaining.

I'm over it though. Enough already!


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