I'm sitting here on the lawn of the Old Capitol, soaking up the rays and listening to the sounds of traffic and people and life pass-by. This is the life! The sun is shining brightly, and I can feel spots I think I missed with my SPF lotion this morning. Darn! Oh well, I'm considering it my Vitamin D intake for the day!

It's a balmy, springy day in Kentucky, and I love it. I love how spring eases into Kentucky ... just slips in the door one day, and before you know, things are blooming and your nose is running and you're sneezing, and you can't figure out why.

I grew up in a state where spring struggled to make it's way in ... and by struggled, I mean, fought tooth and nail with the ice and snow to get even the smallest amount of its foot in the doorway, and before the struggle was over with, BOOM! It was summer with all the heat and humidity you can imagine!

I always liked spring in Michigan, but I LOVE spring in Kentucky. Spring means Derby is coming, which means fancy hats and wreaths of roses and thoroughbreds and all the fun of opening days at Keeneland and Churchill Downs.

Spring means green grass and Red buds and Dogwoods in bloom and Magnolia trees, and this amazing sweet scent that just hangs in the air. Even my cat smells good after she's sat in one of "her" windows, watching the birds.

Spring just smells good.


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