Friday, December 27, 2019

This picture of O'Malley I took early this morning perfectly symbolizes life right now. Just chill and easy ... no thoughts about TO DO LISTS ... no concerns ... no worries about a messy house ... no worries. Period.

Okay, the worries about a messy house aren't true.  I have been low-key stressed about my messy house. Not enough to do anything about it up to this point. Although, I think today is the day I am going to get it together and make it look like some one actually cares about cleanliness around here.

I'm not going to lie. I LOVE my breaks!  Not because I look forward to doing nothing, but rather, it gives me the opportunity to sit back and recharge. I get the chance to feel human again, and boy!  Have I ever needed it this go around!

The sickness was pretty consistent in my room most of second quarter, but it managed to build quite a head of steam and knock a good portion of my kids out at some point during those last weeks before Christmas break.  I was feeling pretty good about the fact that I had not contracted any of there yucky germs .... until that last Thursday.  That last Thursday, it hit me head on, and I was a fevered, exhausted mess. I worked the last day of school because hello!  Last day before Christmas break ... and classroom parties ... and a walking field trip to the Nutcracker ... and chaos and craziness.  But I parked it in my Lazy Boy the rest of the weekend, and I slept and lazed and used A LOT of Kleenex.

So, yeah. I'm not worrying about ANYTHING.  I might have carried this attitude a bit too far because about an hour ago I realized I have no more clean underwear.  Gonna need to rectify that situation very soon.


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