I had an epiphany today ...

The other night, Christy called me to see if I was feeling any better. During the course of conversation, I told her that I had run out to the store, but probably shouldn't have as I really didn't have all my faculties yet, and almost killed myself twice while driving. It was that, or all the drugs I've been given to knock out the ALLERGIES ON A RAMPAGE, part 2.

Christy responded with a heavy sigh and, "Megan! I could have done that for you. You are just too stubborn and independent!"

She's right, really. And here's where the epiphany comes in ... I think my stubborn independence is getting in the way of my really letting my guard down and finding that really deep relationship. This is brilliant that I suddenly realize this about myself. It means I can work on it, right?

This is a genetic component woven into my inner being. I've been this way forever. You need only ask one of the parental units to get the full picture.

There was the time I practically electricuted myself to death because, as a toddler, I didn't give two hoots what the parents said, I was going to stick my slobbery finger in the electric outlet behind the sofa!

Or the Sunday morning I was about 4 or 5 years old, and my father and I started WORLD WAR III because I was going to wear the floral print skirt with the plaid blouse, and I could have given a rat's you-know-what if I looked like a rag picker.

Or the summer I had to take summer school before entering kindergarten because I absolutely refused to walk along the balance beam. I vividly remember thinking, "Ummm ... everyone can do this! Why must I prove it to you, lady?"

This streak of self-assured independence goes back a long way. I just need to figure out how to overcome it. I'm guessing it's going to take a special guy to deal with the likes of me ...

... And of course, I had this grand epiphany while staring at the sort of good-looking police officer (sans ring, ladies!) that came to church on his break this morning! Good glory! I need to attend some sort of Uniforms Anonymous meeting or something ...


Christy said…
Do you remember what you told me about going out of your house like you expect to meet people?

I am sure walking around looking like death does wonders for your dating proposals.

The next time someone offers to help, let them. It is not a bother at all.

I would be more inconvienced going to the hospital to visit your stubborn butt than I would making a quick trip to the store.
Christy said…
That comment was said with much love, by the way.
Megan said…
I got it. :) In fact, I laughed my butt off because I could actually hear you saying it. :)

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