Here's my modus operandi for the beginning of my summer breaks ...
  1. When I finally stop moving, I collapse in a chair.
  2. Once the full impact of collapse is complete, I fall asleep.
  3. I sleep for an amazingly ridiculous amount of time.
  4. I finally recover only to start the school year all over again.

I'm currently somewhere in between #3 and #4 ... ahhhhhh!

I can't sleep for too long because I have two grad school classes that I'm slogging through, and am unsure of what, actually, I am suppose to be learning in these classes. Is it sad to admit this about every single one of my grad school classes?

Please don't tell the legislatures of our fair state. They might try to change it all around again.

So, the goal for the next 45ish days or so is to find a balance between work and relaxation and doing stuff for me. In amongst it all, my goal is to find my fitness -- I lost that bad boy somewhere between the ages of 12 and 22. Oh, man! That is a goal, I am not sure I can manage, but I'm willing to try anything. Anything is better than nothing, right?

So ready or not, summer break, here I come!


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