Ever feel like you've just unraveled an entire ball of yarn, and you're sitting in there in the middle of it all ... and you think to yourself, "Now what?"

Yeah.  That's me.

I am sitting in the middle of an unraveled mess, and while there still may be stuff to unravel from the ball, I am not sure at all what to do with the yarn in piles around me.

I'm a literacy teacher.  This metaphor was a given.  Come on, now!

Today, I posed this question to my fourth graders; "Ever hear the old adage 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks'?"

Sure, many of them had. However, when pressed into attempting to explain their understanding of the meaning of the adage, none of them could explain it. 

So, I explained that, in the case of our character, despite him being an old man, he still had the desire to learn to read ... and he did! In fact, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.

And so it is with me!  I have the desire to change some things in my life ... to make some adjustments ... to re-prioritize some things. I've been taking steps to make that happen, and, along the way, I've been learning some things about myself. 

Now, here I sit, with my new found knowledge along with stuff I know I am still learning, all wadded up in a pile of proverbial unraveled yarn, and I am just not sure what to do with it all. I just stare at the pile and wonder allowed, "What next?"

Discipline has NEVER been my strong suit, and I'm pretty sure I need some in order to make sense of all the unraveling. Perhaps that is where I should start. Of course, with that becomes my desire to take giant leaps in the direction I need to head in order to get to my end point. 

However, when one struggles with discipline, you can bet your bottom dollar that Imma struggle with the failure tied to gigantic leaps toward an easy finish.

I told you. Discipline just ain't my strong suit.

The only other option? Baby steps. But man! Baby steps just don't seem to lend themselves to results. I mean, come on! When you look at a baby, they teeter and totter and fall more times than you can count. It's all such a process.

Until they finally get it!

When a baby finally gets it, they are off to the races!  NO STOPPING THEM!

So, I'm unraveled, and I am sitting among the piles and piles and piles of yarn  ... and all it takes is for me to make one baby step. Just one. Just one little step ....


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