I have received a lot of compliments on my hair today.

"It looks so nice."

"Did you get it cut recently?"

"Are you doing something different?"

Here's the deal.  I styled it.  I actually took the time to style it ... with the actual APPROPRIATE styling product. That's what I've been doing differently.

I had gotten to the point in my life where I was air drying my hair and hoping for the best. Problem was, air drying doesn't necessarily equate to A STYLE. In my case, what it resulted in was a giant mass of Hot Mess on the top of my head.

What point in my life am I referring?  The lazy point.  I was at the lazy point in my life. The "I'd Rather Look Like a HoBo than Deal" point in my life.

My laziness has caused me to resort to super short.  Only, that really didn't work well for me this go around. My face has gotten rounder ... because I've gotten rounder. 😆

My laziness has caused me to rely on my 80s "expertise" and take a pile on the mousse-ish products, scrunch, and go approach. I was telling everybody I was going for the messy look. Yeah, all that did was create some build-up, made it look crunchy, and appeared as though something fought in my hair during the night while I slept.

I finally decided I would shake my morning routine up a bit so that I would actually have enough time to do something with it. And possibly do something with my face as well.

What do you know? Apparently, when one blocks out a certain amount of time for self grooming, one appears somewhat put together in the mornings. Imagine that!


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