Observation #1 ...
I saw a former student of mine (one of my FAVORITE former students) at the public library today. I waved at him, and he looked at me funny. I walked over to him said, warmly, "hey there!"

He looked for an exit.

"You don't remember me, do you?" My heart sank.

He shook his head warily, still looking for that dog-gone exit.

"Who was your third grade teacher?"

"Miss Murray ..." he replied, with a look that said, "but you don't look a thing like her ... she was cool!"

"I'm Miss Murray!"

"HI!" still not convinced.

Have I changed that much?
Observation #2 ...
Cat doors sometimes do have teeth, and, if you're not careful, they will try to eat you alive as you are trying to come up from the basement. That's okay. You just turn your furry little butt around and give it your death stare. You know that if you could talk, you would curse it like a drunken sailor!
Observation #3 ...
Great-looking guys do show up in the produce section of your local grocery story, just like in the movies! They just don't talk to me!
Observation #4 ...
When American Idol is on, we all think we can sing. Come on ... you know it's true! :)


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