For Valentines Day this year, I got .... ICE!

Yep, it rained ALL DAY yesterday, and then, Mother Nature decided to turn everything an icey cold. That meant, this morning, after I had a near death experience with a patch of ice covered by snow in my parking lot, I got to stand at my truck coming up with as many adjectives (we're reviewing those in 6th grade) as I could possibly think of to describe the individual that didn't call a snow day today in my district. Every single one of my truck doors were solidly frozen shut! NO HOPE OF OPENING THEM!!! Thank goodness for hot water. Now, I'm not entirely sure I will be able to open them this afternoon after school. However, I did make it to school on time!

On a slightly different note, I walked into the office this morning and was assaulted by a massive amount of roses!!! Red ones! Beautiful red ones! Knowing that none of them could possibly be for me, I decided to march my nosey butt over to them to see who would be receiving flowers.


How does that work, I ask you?!


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