Scenario #1 ... This week in Reading, I've been working on story plot as well as listening to directions with them. So, today, I broke out one of my Encyclopedia Brown books, and I gave each of them a dectective's notebook. I asked them to write down:
- The problem or mystery in the story I was going to read.
- Anyone they felt were suspects.
- Any clues they heard while I was reading.
As I was reading, Andrew suddenly declares, "WHEW! I don't know how detectives do it! This is hard work!"
Scenario #2 ... I put in the Grammar Rocks video to review verbs. We were all singing to the VERBS! song, and Andrew turns to one of his classmates, rolls his eyes, and says: "Dude stop! [pause] You sound like a cat [another pregnant pause] DYING!"
Scenario #3 ... We are walking back from lunch, and Andrew lets out the world's largest burp.
"Andrew!" I say, as the rest of the class is reduced to giggles. "You could have covered your mouth."
"I'm sorry! I didn't feel it coming."
"Oh please! That sounded like it came from your feet up!"
"EWW! Miss Murray!"
"Exactly! Ewww!"
Scenario #4 ... We are having a Valentines Dance for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders next Friday. What this really means for those of chaperoning, i.e., me, is that we will stand around and watch all those little guys stand around and get hopped up on sugary concessions. Good times!
I announced it to the kids, and then I say, "Andrew said he'd dance with me."
"Ewwww! No I didn't. I'm not dancing with you!"
"But I thought you said you had the moves?"
"I do, but yuck. Not with you."
I just love this kid!!!!