There is so much for which to be grateful these days ...

Sometimes it's hard to see them when the minutiae of life piles up into a great, steamy pile of ... well, you know.

And yet, the little things are there, if you are willing to search for them, and while you're searching, you realize it's a lot easier than you first anticipated in recognizing them.

  • The sun came out which always go a long way in soothing my soul. 
  • I managed to get things cleaned up and organized in my house yesterday. Okay, not allll of the things, but enough that my life feels back "in the groove."
  • While embarrassing to admit, I made my bed for the first time in a very, very long time.  Don't judge.
  • I am slowly tacking the laundry that has threatened to bury me alive. 
  • I am purging stuff that has needed to be purged for a very, very long time.  I mean, FIVE pie plates!? REALLY!?
  • Eating fruit for a snack. 
  • Getting unexpected texts from friends. 
  • The beauty of a steaming mug of coffee.
  • Carving out time for blogging!
I could sit here for the next hour as I continue to list out the things for which I am grateful. But I have laundry to finish! 

I am grateful for the little things today....


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