I had Erin, Joe, and Ben over for dinner tonight, as they are getting ready to move and have no food in their house.

Ben fell in LOVE with Emmy! The two of them played almost non-stop -- well, when Ben wasn't playing in her food bowl or water bowl or playing on the steps.

Here are some photos I snapped of Ben playing with Emmy (who you can't see) in her Kitty Cubes. They were having a blast!

In this particular photo, you can't see either Ben or the cat -- they are both in the tube. Thus the reason it's so blurry!

Here's a very unflattering photo of myself having a very nice chat with Ben, courtesy of Ben's mommy.


Mom said…
Guess Joe and Erin will have to think about a cat to go with Slider the Dog huh?
Megan said…
Emmy and Ben had a BLAST! He ran around the house squealing EM-MEEEE! :) Erin and I were in stitches the entire time.

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