There's a reason why I've been relatively silent this past week.

I've been a crap mood ... with a capital C followed by every other capital letter and a few expletive symbols thrown in for good measure.

School officially ended for me on June 12th, but summer break came later, as we had a scheduled week of PD (otherwise known as professional development) this past week. Now, I was sort of looking forward to digging in and getting done what we needed to get done ... I'm a total dork that way. However, there was another part of me that knew what would happen with a delay in mental break time ... self-implosion.

For as long as I've known myself (does that even make sense???), I've worked my butt off at my jobs. I put my entire self into it, until I'm exhausted and completely spent both physically and mentally.

It's at that point that I must immediately put myself on a break or something ugly is going to happen, and I am powerless to stop it from happening. I'm pretty sure that's why Prozac was invented!

So, this whole week of PD? Yeah, that was a disaster in the making. I was exhausted ... I was cranky ... I was really down on myself. I got super frustrated over something I didn't understand ... the more questions I asked, the more frustrated I became. That meant I was immediately misunderstood ... others took what I said and made it about themselves, which I never meant to have happen. Ugliness ensued ... lots and lots of ugliness ensued ... hurt feelings blossomed ... leaders suddenly lost a lot of respect for me, I believe, and that makes me very sad.

I've put myself on a self-imposed exile this weekend, and depending how I feel, I might extend that into next week as well. We shall see how I'm feeling.

What I do know is that I need time away from "it" ...


Densie said…
Vacation is in sight! We'll be down before you know it and there will be NO WORK ALLOWED! Just lots of fun!!!

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