Friday hit me like a ton of bricks, and I found myself, that afternoon, on my cell phone, talking to Carrie's voice mail, and I think it went something like this: "I'm having a particularly crappy day and I just want to have this school year over with and to stop dealing with people that are mean and I'm so sick of three years later STILL having to prove that I'm worthy and people can be so catty and I'm so catty and why do I suck so much and oh my gosh, I'd give my right arm for Charlie's Sour Cream and Chive Fries ... It's a Sour Cream and Chive Fry day ... call me back!"

Back when Carrie and I taught in the same building ... in the same STATE ... Sour Cream and Chive Fry day was code for This Day is Crap! I need to Vent! It usually started out with one of us flopping on top of a student desk, sometimes in tears, and it ended with us eating our way through a platter of Sour Cream and Chive Fries at Charlie's Pub, the dive joint we loved to eat at! It added Crisco to our cans, but man did they ever taste good!

I've been thinking a lot about friends lately. I don't know what it is, but I've been blessed in the friends department. And I really don't deserve it. In the whole grand scheme of things, I'm not the most patient person. I can be moody and geeky and flighty -- I will warrant you that. Somehow, though, I have a core group of people that appreciate all those things about me or love me despite it all! Either way, I'm blessed.

There have people that drifted in and drifted back out ... friends for a season in life. There are others that I've had to let go ... the relationship was just too unhealthy ... those sorts of times always hurt. But it's the core group of people that see me for who I really am and love me anyway that I am so very thankful for.

For those of you I count as good friends ... those that have stuck with me when life gets silly out of control ... for those that have dealt with my moodiness and decided to ride this journey with me anyway ... for those that have supported my drive forward and for the drives off the cliffs ... for those that are new friends and those that are old friends ... for those that are renewed friends and for those that I count as close as blood ... I love you ... you know who you are. Thank you for being willing to pour into me and for loving me and for calling me friends.

I'd share my Sour Cream and Chive Fries with you any day of the week ... I hope you know that.


Anonymous said…
Back at ya girlY!!!

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