My mother called me after reading my last post and insisted I get the wire thingy-ma-bob out. Something about burning myself and e. coli ... I don't know. Anyway, I worked some more at it, and it came out. Tom again is resting peacefully in my refrigerator, which is currently busting at the seams with all sorts of food for tomorrow.
The alarm clock as been set for 6 a.m. ... that will be when Tom is rubbed and stuffed and popped into the oven for his long day of baking.
I just have to keep reminding myself ... water and cover .... water and cover .... water and cover.
The alarm clock as been set for 6 a.m. ... that will be when Tom is rubbed and stuffed and popped into the oven for his long day of baking.
I just have to keep reminding myself ... water and cover .... water and cover .... water and cover.