Had I been able to figure out a way to walk out of the house without any one knowing I had this under my shirt, I would have soooo done it. They were all in AMAZING condition, and you can't touch these for under a $200 in antique stores ... not in this condition. Both bedrooms and the dining room contained one of these Fancy Nancies!

The whole reason I am NOT putting on offer on this house. These are fuses. For those not familiar with fuses, they are not capable of handling all of the electrical devices one uses in a day's time. They also cause major fires. To change these puppies over to circuit breakers, you're looking at $2,000 to $3,000 worth of work. Why can't teachers get paid like NBA Basketball stars? This house-hunting thing would be a non-issue then.

Have you ever seen linoleum garage floors? Yeah, neither have I!
In Michigan, you could kill yourself on one of these in the winter time ... going from your truck to your house. As you can see, there's only that one little oil spot that someone spent a lot of time cleaning up. Can we say ANAL RETENTIVE?


Anonymous said…
Make an offer super low that way you can afford to redo the electrical~Shanny
Megan said…
I would love to, Carrie, but the bedrooms are soooo tiny. I'm afraid it might be too small ... no room for me to grow. :)

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