Assault #1 ... the man that chose to finish dressing in the public park this morning while the rest of us drove by, aghast! Seriously, did you not realize you forgot to put your pants on when you walked out the door this morning?

Assault #2 ... the owners of the black cat I almost ran over! What is so hard about making sure your animals have a safe place to live? Even my cat lives indoors, and she doesn't like me! If you can't treat your animals decently, don't own them!

Assault #3 ... my two beasts, Sadie the Dog and Maddie the Cat, who are both under the false impression that the papisan chair I got for my birthday is theirs. IT'S NOT -- GET YOUR FURRY HIND-ENDS OUT OF IT!!!!!!!

Assault #4 ... to the teenage somethings that came to the same coffeeshop I was in this morning. Apparently, they thought it would be perfectly acceptable to roll out of bed sans shower and come into the coffee shop for a shot of java. Ummm ... yuck! I realize it's the weekend and folks like to take a break from life, but showers should never be put on the HOLD list. The only exceptions to this rule would be ... ummm ... soldiers, for instance! They are sort of busy doing other things like fighting for freedom and stuff. All the rest of us, SHOWER!!!!

Assault #5 ... the young couple speeding down the road and KISSING. Beyond the "yuck factor" of seeing the female part of the couple contorted so as to get the best angle for her tongue, it's just plain dangerous to the rest of us trying to get home safely! Save it for the privacy of your own home, thank you!

Assault #6 ... the idiot who delivers the freebie paper to my house. I'm not sure I can actually call it "delivering" when the paper is not in my yard ... not even close!


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