Why is it that Katie Couric has taken to reading the news? I don't understand it.

I caught her a couple of times on the Today Show's adventures in Torino, and every time, Katie was reading the news (when she wasn't gushing over yet another chocolate truffle) ... in other words, there were newsclips playing, and good ole' Kate was "narrating" in the background ... badly, I might add! Today, I turn on the TV to catch the weather (cuz that's what we do here in Michigan during the winter months), and there's Katie, narrating again! ARGH!!! My ears started bleeding.

I mean, if you're going to "narrate," why MUST you do it in a deadpan monotone voice that sounds like your forcing sweetness through your nose?

Is this a new trend in news? Is this what all the "greats" out there are being asked to do? If so, someone needs to give Ms. Couric a clue ... she stinks at it!!!! Someone introduce her to the actors that narrate PBS documentaries. If we are moving toward narrating our news, then, let's get Charleton Heston or Alan Alda ... trashcan the Katie Technique!!!!

[crawling off my soap box, in search of more coffee]


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