I have attempted to get into the Christmas spirit by watching as many Christmas movies as I possibly can ...

Okay, maybe what I'm really doing is masking the fact that I don't actually have much of a life beyond work these days, and so I spend a few TOO many hours each night burying myself in a fantasy-land veiled in Christmas themes ...

Either way you look at it, I've got myself a real Cheesy Christmas happening here.

The plots are all predictable ... the girl wakes up one morning and realizes her life isn't at all what she thought it would be so she wishes upon a star, BANG, travels back in time, meets her prince charming, falls in love, and lives happily ever after beginning on Christmas Eve night!

Or what about the guy that follows his heart and a hunch to a town he's never been, meets a beautiful girl, only to find out she's betrothed to another, falls in love with her anyway, BANG, The Kiss happens, they pledge their undying love to each other, and they live happily ever after beginning on Christmas Eve night!

Ick ... it's all so sugary sweet I'm almost gagging on the words I'm typing ...

And yet I fall for it ... every. single. time.

No wonder Lifetime makes a killing! Me and every other "30-something wanted it all, sacrificed it all, living a life teetering on the edge of crazy mundane and frenetic insanity, single girl" out there watches one of those saccharine infused, gag-provoking tear fests and thinks, for a brief moment in time, that they will walk out of their front door, head-long into a wintry wonderland and the arms of Mr. Right.

If only it were so ... back in the beginning of 2007, my friend Christy declared it the Year of Love. I embraced the concept whole-hearted. I wanted to believe in the Year of Love. I was going to find IT in the Year of Love.

Well, the year is almost over with ... I've found nothing but a pile of dirty socks I didn't know I had and a massive lint ball in the left pocket of my jeans.

To quote an 80s big hair band, "Love bites!"

Maybe they are on to something ...

Or maybe I'm just coming down off of my syrupy sugar high ...


A Davis said…
hey, love is a battlefield...to quote another 80's singer
Megan said…
It is a battlefield, and I apparently got hit with a big, giant cannon, rendering me "in pieces."

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