I had a really bad day yesterday, and my parents called just to talk, unbeknownst to them that I had been crying in my Raisen Bran, quite literally.

I explained the many, varied situations that had led up to the foul mood and pity party that quickly followed.

And my dad had two very timely nuggets of wisdom to pass on to me.

  1. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." I've heard this one countless times in a variety of situations ... it has many places that it fits, and for last night's circumstances, it indeed fit.
  2. "You're in the type of job that you don't see the results of all of your hard work, and that's hard. But results there will be! You're planting seeds, and they will grow. Well, some of them will. Others are just duds." They are in a planting theme in rainy Michigan.

This is the same man that has told both my sister and I, "You've crapped in your own sombrero, now you've gotta wear it," or the always timely, "Keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole."

Who needs Chinese Proverbs when you have a dad that hauls off with gems like these?

And yet, despite the unconventional, roll-your-eyes-and-groan approach to parental wisdom, he does have a point ... sordid as it may be getting to the point at times ...


Elly Gilbert said…
I am currently staring at some of the duds. I just yelled at one and told him that I WOULD call his mother to come get him because I just didn't feel like dealing with it any more. Yep, duds.
Elly Gilbert said…
Oooh, and then there's this....when you're planting seeds and expecting them to grow, you gotta shovel a LOT of manure. I am currently knee deep in manure.
Megan said…
Elly! I LOVE you! You made my morning!!!!

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