I was talking to some colleagues before school, and we were bemoaning the fact that it was getting bitterly cold.

"Yeah," one of them complained. "We're supposed to be in the teens on Saturday."

"Oh! I've got one better for you." I grumbled. "I'd heard it's suppose to be zero by Saturday night."

"Great!" He said. "Keep your faucets running through the night then."

I must have given him an odd look, because he added, "to keep your pipes from freezing."

"I think you'll be fine," I said. "Just keep your heat on. They won't freeze if the heat is on."

"Yeah, I'll have to run it full throttle then."

Have you ever heard of such a thing? I mean, up until almost two years ago, I'd lived in Michigan, where, in January it has been known to get down to BELOW ZERO. Unless you had turned off the heat entirely, or your heat was down so low combined with the fact that your plumbing was on an outside wall and not insulated one bit, no one ever had pipes freeze.

I never would have dreamed to keep my faucet running all night long!

What the heck!


Anonymous said…
Yes, heard of it, used to do it when I was growing up but then you have seen the house I grew up in and well, "all of the above" in you blog pretty much describes it! BUT if you left the faucet on a trickle then you better be up every hour or so to make sure the drain hasn't frozen! Tell your collegue that as well. Had that happen once

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