I've been blessed with many things in my life ... some of these things are what I would consider actual blessings. Others, not so much ...

Big thighs and a rather large behind ... see, I don't consider these things "blessings."

Sensitive skin ... again, not a blessing.

Abnormally, abnormal sinuses ... sooooo NOT a blessing!

January tends to be one of the worst months on record for me, sinus-wise. I'm not sure what it is ... a major switch in weather patterns ... no sun for what seems like 8 months ... constant, ever-present furnace dust ... whatever the cause, I generally get a migraine headache the hangs out with me from January 1st through sometime in mid-February.

The year 2008 is proving to be no exception.

As long as I stay seated and unmoving, I am perfectly fine. The minute I choose to take in a breath, allowing my chest to move ever so slightly, I become dizzy and headachy. Sometimes, this blows up into a full-fledged pain-in-my-head migraine. Other times, I'm just plain sick.

So far, with all of our modern technological advancements, no one has come up with something that can effectively render me headache-free. Well, with the exception of STRONG LIQUOR. But with enough of that, I'd still be headachy and sick the next day ... so what's the point!

So, I raise my glass of water and Excedrin Migraine to the Year 2008. I should be out of my headache-funk by the time I turn 36 and ready to face the world again.


Anonymous said…
how about an appointment with an allergist ? what a novel idea !
Megan said…
Hmmm ... by the tone of that comment, I would say, you are my mother! Not so anonymous ... :)
Anonymous said…
nope, guess again! It does sound like something I said over Christmas break here in Michigan though!
Elly Gilbert said…
It's the river!

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