I was rudely awakened in the middle of the night with the Charlie Horse from hell ... in my left leg ... right under The Knee. I've got physical therapy this morning, and since it absolutely kills to walk right now, I can already tell this is going to be a good time. This will culminate in wads and wads of fun when Michael requires me to stretch my leg out, a feat I can't seem to accomplish at this precise moment.

So, the classroom is pretty much done. I'm missing my kidney bean conference table. It may show up on a UPS truck sometime between now and never, but I've at least got all that chairs in the space that the table would take up almost as if it was currently sitting invisible in my room. I might be able to pass it off as an invisible table, now that I think about it ... since I convinced my kids last year that there was, in fact, a desk monster that came in the middle of the night and cleaned their desks if they were messy. You've gotta love that sort of power, you know!?

Okay, so I just heard that it's suspected that Nicole Kidman faked her pregnancy and actually used her sister as a surrogate. Please, really? Cuz this little piece of info will help solve world hunger,won't it?

Ask me if I care? Just so you know, I don't care!

Good grief ... stick a fork in me ... I'm soooo done ...


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