There is so much to celebrate today.
First, as soon as 2:41 p.m. hits, I will officially be done with the hell that is WRITING PORTFOLIOS. YEEEEEE HAAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!!
Second, it's a three day weekend! God Bless the person that invented Memorial Day! I love all that it stands for and respect the lives given for my freedom. And yes, I LOVE that I get a three day weekend out of it as well.
Third, after today, there will only be three more weeks of school!!! Three glorious weeks where I have nothing hanging over my head but the health and well-being of 17 stinky, sweaty almost 5th graders! We're planning lots of wonderfully historic field trips to cap off our year of Kentucky history studies. Everyone is looking forward to it, teachers included!
Fifth, my allergies are better today.
Yes, life is good.
First, as soon as 2:41 p.m. hits, I will officially be done with the hell that is WRITING PORTFOLIOS. YEEEEEE HAAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!!
Second, it's a three day weekend! God Bless the person that invented Memorial Day! I love all that it stands for and respect the lives given for my freedom. And yes, I LOVE that I get a three day weekend out of it as well.
Third, after today, there will only be three more weeks of school!!! Three glorious weeks where I have nothing hanging over my head but the health and well-being of 17 stinky, sweaty almost 5th graders! We're planning lots of wonderfully historic field trips to cap off our year of Kentucky history studies. Everyone is looking forward to it, teachers included!
Fifth, my allergies are better today.
Yes, life is good.