So, I'm starting a new feature on this here ole' blog. I'm going to post what I plan to make for dinner. I'm doing this for two reasons:

  • Reason #1 ... My goal is to become less dependent on pre-made items that are full of such unhealthy stuff and to be more reliant upon doing things from scratch. I'm hoping that, in the long run, this will save me TONS on my grocery bill.
  • Reason #2 ... By putting this out there in the blogosphere, perhaps it will give me the kick in the butt I need to think "healthier."
Tonight's menu??

Why, so glad you asked! Tonight's menu was ...

Cheddar Melted Grilled Hamburger (without a bun)
Strawberry and Pecan Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing
Homemade French Fries with Kentucky Seasoning
Lemon Ice Tea

Yum! Yum!


Big Red said…
sounds gooood to me !!!
Megan said…
It was very good, Papa!
Elly Gilbert said…
What time will dinner be ready tonight? The Gilberts will be there!!!!My plan is spaghetti o's. Yum.

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