Things have been going along swimmingly. My classroom is pretty much done. I've been chill ... I've been calm ... I've been collected ... to borrow a phrase from one of my favorite companies, LIFE IS GOOD ...
That was until I found out that my kidney bean-shaped table had arrived at school and had, for all intents and purposes, "gone missing." How someone just loses a 72" table, is beyond me, but it has, in fact, gone missing.
Yes, I had a mini meltdown ... there was foot-stamping involved before I left the building in a huff, and headed to physical therapy, where I proceeded to vent to Michael about the fact that I'd just had a meltdown over a table. He found it all hard to believe, but he didn't just spend $140 of his hard earned instructional money for this table, either!
I'm sure this meltdown had nothing to do with the fact that I was awakened at 4:45 this morning to my neighbor yelling at his dogs --AGAIN, Zoe specifically, to "come." This idiot does this every morning, and I've got news for him. The poor dogs go outside twice in a day -- sometime between 4 and 7 a.m. -- always when I'm trying to sleep -- and sometime between the hours of "when Megan wants to get to bed early" and midnight.
So, dude, I hazard a guess that Zoe would dang well come to you when you yell at her 18 million times, if you'd actually let her enjoy the fresh air for more than the five seconds she gets to inhale it while peeing! Seriously, dude! Invest in some collars and leashes and take the poor dogs for a freakin' walk!
Perhaps then, I could get my full 7 hours of sleep, and then, maybe, I would wake up on the RIGHT side of the bed.
That was until I found out that my kidney bean-shaped table had arrived at school and had, for all intents and purposes, "gone missing." How someone just loses a 72" table, is beyond me, but it has, in fact, gone missing.
Yes, I had a mini meltdown ... there was foot-stamping involved before I left the building in a huff, and headed to physical therapy, where I proceeded to vent to Michael about the fact that I'd just had a meltdown over a table. He found it all hard to believe, but he didn't just spend $140 of his hard earned instructional money for this table, either!
I'm sure this meltdown had nothing to do with the fact that I was awakened at 4:45 this morning to my neighbor yelling at his dogs --AGAIN, Zoe specifically, to "come." This idiot does this every morning, and I've got news for him. The poor dogs go outside twice in a day -- sometime between 4 and 7 a.m. -- always when I'm trying to sleep -- and sometime between the hours of "when Megan wants to get to bed early" and midnight.
So, dude, I hazard a guess that Zoe would dang well come to you when you yell at her 18 million times, if you'd actually let her enjoy the fresh air for more than the five seconds she gets to inhale it while peeing! Seriously, dude! Invest in some collars and leashes and take the poor dogs for a freakin' walk!
Perhaps then, I could get my full 7 hours of sleep, and then, maybe, I would wake up on the RIGHT side of the bed.