*Names have been changed to protect those whose mouths need to be washed out with soap!

Today, my students presented their Cereal Box Book Reports to their classmates. Annika* presented her book report on a book entitled How Underwear Got Under There: A Brief History by Kathy Shaskan and Regan Dunnick. She referenced bustles at one point in her report, and then she looked at her classmates and asked, "Do you all know what a bustle is?"

Most shook their heads no.

"Well," said Annika. "A bustle was like a basket that women wore underneath their dresses. It had a belt, and it belted to the lady's corset. These bustles made women's butts look big, huge, gigantic .... like super gigantic ... like bigger than you ever imagined .... like ... like .... like .... like two of Miss Murray!"

I'm now off to run for the next three hours!


Anonymous said…
Oh say stupid things. Tyr not to take it personal, you look great now!! But I will admit that when a student called me a fat b&%* that kick started my fitness kick last time. ~Shanny
Micah said…
Oh, my gosh! How do you even react to that? Kids...
Big Red said…
Out of the mouths of babs.....

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