My buddy Christy and I decided to have a little fun this evening, and so, we started out at Capital Cellars, a new wine bar in town. It's a great place, and if you're ever in the area, you really must make a point to stop by and, at the very least, browse their selection.

We ended up with a nice bottle of PINK TRUCK.
[Side Bar: This is a semi-sweet rose' from the makers of RED TRUCK. I received a bottle of RED TRUCK a year or so ago from a teacher friend. He got it for me for Christmas merely because he knew I liked wine, and I loved driving my red truck. I loved the gift!]

The guy behind the bar (I'm sure there is some fancy name for those guys behind the counter of a wine bar) poured us each a half a glass, and we settled into conversation while sipping away.

I really ought to come with a warning label, and here is the reason why:
If one has only eaten what amounts to a 1-cup measuring cup full of saltines and Popsicles in a period of five days, one should NEVER walk into a wine bar and proceed to sip (no matter the slow speed) a half a glass of wine. It WILL put you under the stool you were sitting in!

If anyone had asked me to walk a straight line to the restuarant we were heading to, I would not have been able to do it! I was good just to be standing upright as we walked the short block to Nema's Grille.

The upside to being slightly sloshed is that any residual stomach bugs that had been residing in my tum-tum have now been systematically killed off (a little wine for thy stomach's sake). This allowed me to sup on a Marinated Chicken Salad and Barsimati (spelling here???) Herb Rice. And guess what ... minus a moment or two of questionable gurgling, dinner managed to digest nicely! Yeah for the end of the ROTOR-ROOTER VIRUS, and yeah for PINK TRUCK!!!!


Isn't Roto-Rooter? Rotors are for the car ???
Yes, I saw it on a truck tonight. It's Roto-Rooter...
Megan said…
I stand corrected ... :)

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