I came blowing into Erin's classroom yesterday and announced to both she and Christy, "You will NEVER guess what I just did?!"
Erin put her hands on her hips and said, "Megan, you're such a mess! What?"
"Well, I was pulling into a parking spot in the Itty Bitty Prep parking lot, and I don't know what I was thinking, but I smacked right into the building and scraped the front of my truck!! I swear I need to hand my car keys into someone and start walking!"
Christy and Erin, being the supportive friends that they are, started laughing uproariously, and, once she'd caught her breath, Erin choked out, "You really ARE a mess!"
Today, on my way to the Farmer's Market (and then to my classroom), a guy came within a foot (I swear to you on a stack of freakin' Bibles!!!) of broad-siding me!
It's as if I've got some freakishly LARGE bulls-eye on my truck with at neon sign above it, pointing in blinking letters: "DEMOLISH ME!"
What is going on in the universe right now? Really!?
The good news is that the little black storm cloud hanging over my bed yesterday grew bigger and actually covered ALL of Frankfort. With it, came rain, which, I've got to say, has been a good thing. Now, if it cools things down, I will be a happy girl!
In other news, I discovered more of my classroom floor, and, I've got to tell you, it's filthy! I am not sure when the custodians will be around to vacuum it -- seeing as someone has decided, with two weeks left until school starts, to rearrange lockers all over the building.
The bad news is that I am almost completely out of space to store crap. I think, I need to go through it all again (not now, of course), and do a second THROW OUT.
I am sooooo sick of pawing through crap. Sick, sick, sick ...
Erin put her hands on her hips and said, "Megan, you're such a mess! What?"
"Well, I was pulling into a parking spot in the Itty Bitty Prep parking lot, and I don't know what I was thinking, but I smacked right into the building and scraped the front of my truck!! I swear I need to hand my car keys into someone and start walking!"
Christy and Erin, being the supportive friends that they are, started laughing uproariously, and, once she'd caught her breath, Erin choked out, "You really ARE a mess!"
Today, on my way to the Farmer's Market (and then to my classroom), a guy came within a foot (I swear to you on a stack of freakin' Bibles!!!) of broad-siding me!
It's as if I've got some freakishly LARGE bulls-eye on my truck with at neon sign above it, pointing in blinking letters: "DEMOLISH ME!"
What is going on in the universe right now? Really!?
The good news is that the little black storm cloud hanging over my bed yesterday grew bigger and actually covered ALL of Frankfort. With it, came rain, which, I've got to say, has been a good thing. Now, if it cools things down, I will be a happy girl!
In other news, I discovered more of my classroom floor, and, I've got to tell you, it's filthy! I am not sure when the custodians will be around to vacuum it -- seeing as someone has decided, with two weeks left until school starts, to rearrange lockers all over the building.
The bad news is that I am almost completely out of space to store crap. I think, I need to go through it all again (not now, of course), and do a second THROW OUT.
I am sooooo sick of pawing through crap. Sick, sick, sick ...