I woke up at 3:36 a.m. ... yes, that was a THREE, a THREE and a SIX, and yes, I said A.M., as in, before God wakes up!

Upon waking, I realized something. It was raining ... hard, and I'm pretty sure I left my back window in my truck open.

I'm frantically searching for a silver lining to today, because it's too freakin' early in the morning to be this annoyed.


Anonymous said…
It seems to me that when one gets out of ones vehicle & locks it one would check all windows to see that they are closed to make said vehicle secure .
Megan said…
When one is as butt tired as this one has been, one doesn't always use all part of one's brain. That results in one's back seat being seriously soaked!
Anonymous said…
Maybe one should train ones tired mind to think about the important things in ones life .

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