THE MIRACULOUS JOURNEY OF EDWARD TULANE by Kate DiCamillo and illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline

Many, many, many months ago (I don't care to calculate the exact number of months, because it's been long enough ago that I'm thoroughly embarrassed), my friend Christy told me I had to read this book. She said it was the sweetest little story, and I would love it.

Today, I curled up with Edward and a cup of coffee and spent an hour reading this lovely little book. And Christy was right! It is a precious story! It's a story of love, loss, and love renewed, and I was hanging on every word Kate DiCamillo wrote!

Bagram Ibatoulline's illustrations were breathtaking! I would love to have one of his prints in my home, that's just how amazing he is.

I highly recommend this book, especially if you have children. There is such a moral to this story ... of truly loving someone ... of never taking a person for granted ... it's deep and beautiful and stirring and inspiring all in one gigantic breath!


Anonymous said…
Loved this book too! It is just too cute!

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