Emmy doesn't sit still ... at all ... with the small exception of sleep. She will be still ... occasionally ... for sleep. Although, I'm amazed at the amount of movement that actually occurs when she's sleeping. I swear her body is incapable of actual stillness!
Emmy also refuses to cooperate for photo ops. I'm convinced that it's because she's super smart, and she knows that when I come at her with the camera, she's going to be blinded by the flash. And let's face it, who wants that to happen?
This is the best picture I could get of her sitting still ... in non-movement ... with a full on frontal view of her pretty face ... admittedly, she sort of looks annoyed here.
This photo is also nod to Papa, and his fine craftsmanship with regard to THE KITTY APARTMENT. I commissioned this piece when Maddie the Cat was small, and while she liked hanging out on it, she did not fully appreciate it's "coolness" like Emmy does. This is, by far, one of Emmy's favorite spots to cat nap ... besides the guest bed.