So, many of you know that I've signed up for the Kentucky Derby Mini-Marathon.

In case you aren't really sure about the whole Derby timeline, let me clue you in ... the mini is THIS WEEKEND cuz well, the Kentucky Derby is happening NEXT WEEKEND!

Am I ready?

Oh, who the heck knows! But I'm going to expect the worse and be pleasantly surprised when I come out of it without a lame (or permanently damaged) something or another.

There are 15 of us from the school district walking, running, walking and running, or, in my case, crawling, this mini. So, as a team, we decided to have t-shirts printed that say "WE KICK ASPHALT! FRANKFORT INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS"

The following is a conversation I had this morning with two of my colleagues regarding said tees.

Stacey: "Did you get one of those t-shirts?"

Me: "Yep."

Stacey: "Oh, I didn't. I didn't want to embarrass the district by being the last one to come in at the end of the race. I'm not kicking anything."

Me: "Oh honey! The asphalt is totally kicking me! I did it purely for body identification purposes! I figure if it says FRANKFORT INDEPENDENT on the shirt, they have a better chance of narrowing down the search for next of kin that way!"

Stephanie: "You crack me up!"

Me: "I'm being serious."


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