It's inevitable! Without fail, the question always pops up in some form or fashion. Today, it went something like this:

To set the scene, two of my female students were in my room after school, decorating the classroom Christmas tree for me [names have been changed to protect the innocent].

"So, Miss Murray, what do you do after school is out?"

"Jeez, Gina! You're so nosey!" This is uttered by a giggling Charla.

"I'm not nosey. I'm just trying to get to know her [meaning me] better. So, what do you do after school, Miss Murray?"

"Well, I go home and make dinner and grade papers."

Gina rolls her eyes. "Real fun, Miss Murray."

Charla continues to giggle.

"So, what do you do at night?"

"Ummm ... I sleep?"

Charla ... still giggling, "what are you trying to find out ... if she goes out with men at night?"

"Well, yeah," says Gina a little annoyed.

"Sorry, ladies, no men."

"Why not!?" says Gina, a bit too bossy.

"Well, I haven't found the perfect guy."

Charla stops giggling and puts her hands on her hips. "I hate to tell you this, Miss Murray, but there IS NO SUCH THING as the perfect guy."

Gina chimes in. "Yeah, what were you thinking?"

I sit on my stool wondering exactly that, what was I thinking!

"You know whatcha gotta do, don't you?"

And here it comes ....

"You gotta dress like Miss D."

"I do?" I know Miss D. She and I are friends. I sort of thought I dressed like her in that we are both teetering on the edge of hip, or so I've always thought.

"Yep!" Gina says, hanging another bauble on the tree.

"So, if I dress like Miss D, I will get a man?"

Charla nods her head.

"How do you figure?"

"Miss D wears short skirts, hello!" Again with the eye-rolling.

"Oh right, Gina. Okay, short skirts."

The two girls stand there giggling, and here's where it really gets bad. I sit on my stool actually contemplating two 6th grade girls' love life advice, and all I can think of is, "Man! If I did that, I'd have to shave my legs!"


Megan said…
You know ... I think I could write a book just with all of the LOVE LIFE ADVICE I've received over the last five years. And you know what? I was thinking about your nails when the girls suggested I wear short skirts!!! :)
Anonymous said…
I had a dream... so stay away from short slightly heavy set dark men of greek or italian or the same type of dark featues, etc.!! They are up to no good :)
Megan said…
Too funnY! One of the teachers wants to set me up with a friend of theirs ... another teacher in a neighboring county! He looks like you just described!!! I'll steer clear.

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