So, I'm waxing poetic, on this Father's Day, about the miracle of life ... a subject I really have no experience with whatsoever, other than I found myself, yesterday, holding a swaddled little bundle of squirms and snorts and squeaks, and I was memorized by it all.

Ben was a little over 24 hours old, and he was already smiling at my witty banter, and let's face it, the kid knows good material when he hears it. Plus, I was bucking for every little laugh I could get.

But as I sat there watching this little guy smiling at me, I couldn't help but be in awe at the whole process of life. There's the fun, recreational part that gets the whole ball rolling, yes, but then there's nine months of gestation, which really equates to the culmination of all your worries, fears, hopes, and dreams, and then, finally, the big day arrives, usually with much fanfare, a bit of drama, and hopefully, some good drugs.

Laying eyes on the center of all your dreams for the future must be breath-taking. From an observers point of view, it certainly is overwhelming. I kept thinking, "what is this little life I'm holding in a mound of tightly wrapped blankets going to be? What impact will it have on this spinning planet we call Earth?"

And then, I suppose, the tough part begins. The worries and fears you had during the first nine months, I'm sure can not compare to the worries and fears that are staggering each time the kid steps out of the door. First words, first steps, first school day, first driver's license, first girlfriend, first day at college ... the firsts are exponentially bigger and bigger and, to a certain extent, scarier and scarier.

I think about my dad. I'm not necessarily sure we've fulfilled all of his dreams for us, but never the less, I believe he did a pretty good job getting us to where we are today. Being a parent is not an easy job, and sticking with it for the long haul takes a lot of work, more prayer than is humanly conceivable, and a lot of hopes and dreams.

So, on this Father's Day, I honor my Papa, for sticking with all those hopes and dreams ... for being a strong father figure in a world of weak ones, and for just being there and being Dad.

I love you! Happy Father's Day.


Anonymous said…
Oh Meg, that was sweet!
Send Joe and Erin my best and send pictures soon!!~Shanny
Anonymous said…
Thanks Meg !!

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