
Showing posts from March, 2011

On being sucked into the vortex

Spa day

Signs of SPRING!

Last day before Spring Break

Family portrait ... OR What 10.5 lbs down looks like

How do you spend a sunny, 74-degree Spring Day?

Official weigh-in Sunday

Utilizing another recipe


Unofficially down 11 pounds!!!

False advertising

Down 3 more!!!

Time change woes

Getting the hook-up

Totally digging this cut

What 7 lbs down looks like

Feeling the burn

Finding out who your friends are ...

Having fun


Getting Ghetto

2 more down, a gazillion more to go

I'm the Martha Stewart of the Trailer Park Set

Morning Coffee

The Queen of my castle


They said it here!

What time is it?

Sharing germs

Being the light at the end of the tunnel