I've decided that I've not spent enough pampering me. So, Friday, I rented three movies (cut me some slack, I had a coupon!), and I've spent the weekend being a total slug and watching movies.

Here's my movie marathon run down:

27 DRESSES ... This is your typical chic flick, but I was soooo in the mood for a chic flick. So, the predictable plot of boy meets girl, boy gets girl, worked for me. I give it an B + in it's cheesy, predictability!

ELIZABETHTOWN ... hated the first hour and a half. Found it completely pointless. LOVED the last half hour and wished I'd been able to see a whole movie based upon that last half hour. I give it a C-.

JUNO ... I have mixed feelings about this film. For all the hype it received, I felt, I don't know, sort of let down. I loved the story line, but I felt like there really aren't teenagers around that are that witty, snarky, are there? Most of the teens I've had encounters over use the word LIKE waaaaay too much. I do give kudos to the smart writing, it just felt too "adult" and not "teen" enough. But then again, that may be why all the adults of the world fell completely in love with this film to begin with. I give it a B+.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to finish the book THE SHACK. More to come on that one later ....


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