I went to bed with a headache, and I woke up with a full-fledged migraine. I've attempted to keep it together today ... it's been rough.

I'm pretty sure I understand the pattern of these migraines, and so, during my planning period today, I got on line to see if I could find any natural help to get me through a day, since extra-strong coffee and three ibuprofen don't seem to really be doing anything other than taking the edge off.

During the course of my research, I discovered that migraine sufferers experience some "hello!!! Migraine is a'comin' in a day or two" symptoms. These symptoms are as follows:
  • Feelings of elation or intense energy
  • Cravings for sweets
  • Thirst
  • Drowsiness
  • Irritability or depression

Well, hello!!! The week prior to this lovely migraine from hell, I had done nothing but suck down every ounce of liquid I could find, felt like I could sleep through a scud missile attack, consumed as many sweets as I could possibly lay my hands on, AND, as an added bonus, experienced this weird blurriness at church on Sunday, which sent me into internal fits of "OH MY GOSH! HOW MUCH WILL A NEW VISION PRESCRIPTION COST ME!?!?!"

I just love that I get all these warning signs. I just wish I'd had understood them to be warning signs of the impending implosion of my head. I could have least worn a warning sign ... something fashionable that read: "Warning! Time bomb in head. Approach at your own risk." Or "Caution! Management will not be held responsible for the head that will be ripped off of your shoulders and served to you on a silver platter."

This new development makes my decision to practice the fine art of patience this week a very, grave tactical error.


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