I use the term WHATEVER quite frequently, and I realize that use of WHATEVER can be offensive after the issue that occurred to me recently. It's made me realize that I, perhaps, need to tone down said use of WHATEVER.
Have you ever had one of those days when the stupid crap that goes on in your day, gets to you, and it's more than you can handle? It doesn't mean you are looking for a solution. It just means you need to talk it out, and so you do, but later on you realize, you chose the entirely wrong person to come to with your venting?
I was having one of those days ... one of those conversations with someone that was absolutely maddening and unwilling to see the point I was trying to make. I was telling someone about the conversation, and I immediately got, "WHATEVER."
The immediate retort bouncing around inside my head was, "I'm sorry?! Whatever? Do I not listen to you talk endlessly about stuff that isn't the least bit important to me, but I listen because it's obvious that you want to talk to someone about it? I do this, right? Have I EVER said to you WHATEVER?"
But instead, I just smiled sweetly and wondered yet again, why I am practicing patience, when it seems to be an utter attempt in fervent foolishness.
Oh! That's right! Because I remember reading an article over the weekend that impatience causes obesity, high blood pressure, sleep deprivation, etc., etc.
Have you ever had one of those days when the stupid crap that goes on in your day, gets to you, and it's more than you can handle? It doesn't mean you are looking for a solution. It just means you need to talk it out, and so you do, but later on you realize, you chose the entirely wrong person to come to with your venting?
I was having one of those days ... one of those conversations with someone that was absolutely maddening and unwilling to see the point I was trying to make. I was telling someone about the conversation, and I immediately got, "WHATEVER."
The immediate retort bouncing around inside my head was, "I'm sorry?! Whatever? Do I not listen to you talk endlessly about stuff that isn't the least bit important to me, but I listen because it's obvious that you want to talk to someone about it? I do this, right? Have I EVER said to you WHATEVER?"
But instead, I just smiled sweetly and wondered yet again, why I am practicing patience, when it seems to be an utter attempt in fervent foolishness.
Oh! That's right! Because I remember reading an article over the weekend that impatience causes obesity, high blood pressure, sleep deprivation, etc., etc.